Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Allergic Reaction to Penicillin

Hives on DLdoubleE's back from an allergic rea...Image via Wikipedia
Some people are sensitive to certain substances, referred as allergens. When they are inhaled or consumed, the immune system reacts in a way that brings health problems. People allergic to Allergic Reaction to Penicillin are bound to suffer from skin problems. Allergic Reaction to Penicillin Reaction to Penicillin reaction of any antibiotic usually is seen first on the skin. Skin disorders such as hives, is regarded as one of the most common signs of allergic reaction to penicillin. Hives is a skin condition in which swollen red bumps erupt on the skin. 

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Side Effects of Penicillin

Side Effects of Penicillin .After knowing penicillin used for, it is essential to understand its side effects as well. Any individual is under penicillin medication, the dosage is recommended according to the severity of the infection, always. However, some people are not able to withstand this dosage and are basically allergic to effects of Penicillin. Side Effects of Penicillin result - penicillin side effects. Side Effects of Penicillin differ from individual to individual .See the list of Side Effects of Penicillin side effects in women and men given below.  

  • Stomach pain
  • Bloody or watery diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Seizures

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